How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman

How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman Portuguese Como Era Gostoso o Meu Francs is a Brazilian black comedy directed by Nelson Pereira dos Santos released in 1971.

In 1594 Brazil rival French and Portuguese settlers are utilizing the indigenous people as allies in their struggle to establish control. The Tupinambs, who live in the Guanabara Bay area, are allied with the French, while the Tupiniquins are allied with the Portuguese.A Frenchman who has been captured by the Portuguese is then captured by the Tupinambs after they attack and kill a group of Portuguese. He tries to convince his captors by speaking in French reciting the poem by tienne Jodelle found in Andr Thvets Singularities of France Antarctique but the Tupinambs dont believe that the Frenchman was a prisoner of the Portuguese they have killed, and the Chief thinks he is Portuguese because No Frenchman would shoot at the Tupinamb. The tribes shaman predicted they would find a strong Portuguese man to cannibalize as revenge for the chiefs brother being killed by a Portuguese musket ball. Now they have one. ........

Source: Wikipedia